Saturday, October 3, 2009

Technical Difficulties

For those following along and waiting intently for the next update, we've had a few problems over the last few days that have meant we haven't been able to write anything since we left Chicago. We've had a couple of issues with internet access, but mostly we've had trouble finding the time to sit down and write something. It's so completely amazing to finally catch up with people we've been wanting to meet for such a long time now, and there's been so much going on that we just haven't had the chance.

We are in fact still alive and well, and in a small town just south of Kansas City, Missouri. All is great, and we'll try and post a proper update... soon. There are pictures and everything.


  1. Keep having a great time doing everything you went there to do

  2. Have a blast! Oh and the Technical Difficulties is all Jesus's fault.

  3. Hi guys sounds fantastic, am enjoying the updates! Michelle

  4. You're doing a great job keeping up with everything and still having a great time. Hope your foot's ok Lis.

  5. Hey there gang, Only just saw all your comments. Seriously glad you're enjoying our trip with us :-)

    Oh and thanks Mon, you can still see where the blisters were, but they are toughening up nicely so I can wear REAL shoes again.

