Monday, September 21, 2009

Start Spreading Your L... The News

Well OK we left yesterday... or was it the day before? I really can't remember. Anyway, we're now really, truly, actually in "The Big Apple". Strangely, it doesn't LOOK like any kind of Dahl-esque gigantic fruit, much less an apple. It does, however, look a whole lot like home, only much much (MUCH) bigger.

We arrived at JFK around 10:30pm yesterday, then spent an hour or so in a "Super Shuttle" driving from the airport to the hotel, via... well, just about all of Upper Manhattan, finally arriving at the Holiday Inn just after midnight or, as I like to call it, "two minutes after room service closes for the night". On the plus side there's a deli on the corner that serves burgers and fries and all kinds of crazy stuff (my cheeseburger, for example, came in a box with a quarter of a pickled cucumber and a tub of coleslaw, which is what you get when you order one "with everything"), so we were able to eat.

Ok, got to cut this post short. We're about to head off to see Wicked on Broadway, then off to Times Square (apparently today is "Prayer Day" there, which should be... fun), but there's more to add later.

Don't let me forget to mention Vodka Woman, New York traffic and... that other thing I was going to write about but forgot.

One final note - apparently when Optus says our phones are "enabled for global roaming", what they actually mean is "...but that doesn't actually work." Right now, our mobile phones don't work for outbound calls/texts (we'll try and get that fixed) but we can receive messages and probably calls. If you need to get in touch with us urgently, try texting/calling first and we'll get back to you. Otherwise... email.

Look out Broadway, here come the Aussies!

1 comment:

  1. We just call them pickles here, not pickled cucumbers, FYI.

