Sunday, September 13, 2009


So, we're heading off to the United States for almost four weeks, departing grey old Melbourne in just under 6 days. Since a few people have expressed an interest in cyber-stalking us for the duration of the trip, we decided to start up a blog, in which we'll TRY to post updates and photos for you all to enjoy/cringe over.

At this stage, we've got suitcases and clothes and crap spread all over the house, and a bunch of lists of things we need to do. We even have lists telling us which lists are for what. No, seriously. We have our passports, tickets, money (yes, that funny monopoly stuff the Americans use) and hopefully everything we need. Now we just need to get everything packed, remember to take everything we need, and get ourselves on the plane.

More to come...

1 comment:

  1. You've crossed the high seas from even greater heights now show them what it's all about being you. Love from home base
