Sunday, October 11, 2009

Somewhere south of Kansas City, Missouri

Ok, so now that we have gotten dinner out of the way in LA it is time to tell you about the next part of our journey. I hope you all appreciate that Stu and I are working diligently to bring you up to date as we are aware that we have spent a lot of time actually holidaying (imagine that) and have neglected to keep this online journal up to date.

Gobb: Yeah, sorry about that. At some point we decided to treat this like our honeymoon. Ok it's four years late, but we didn't really have much of one at the time, and we thought we might as well enjoy it. At this stage, it doesn't look like we're going to catch up fully until we get back home in four days, but we'll see.

Lisa: Now, where was I.... Ah yes, we had just arrived in Missouri, much to our own, and I suspect others', excitement. It is probably worth mentioning at this point that the luggage we were carrying at the time was holding its own and there didn't appear to be any other casualties on the way to Kansas City. We attempted to stay up late and party with our very good friends but unfortunately Stu was suffering from a bit of a headache and I only lasted an hour longer than he did.

We took it fairly easy on the Wednesday, it was nice to be in good company and just having a general rest from the sight-seeing trail. Art and I hit the shops for a little while to stock up on supplies and I was amazed at just how cheap everything was in the town we were staying in (which is even smaller than Alice Springs yet closer to a major city) compared to Australia.

That night we had a few drinks with Travoltus, played some guitar hero and had an awesome pot-roast served up to us by Kratar. That was the night Stu and I were introduced to the movie "Rustler's Rhapsody" which lead to a number of movie quotes being delivered during conversation for the rest of the trip. Where's the hair? It's in there... Ahwoooh.

Gobb: Oh I like that.

Lisa: On Thursday, after a somewhat slow start (sleeping in is nice), we got up and headed to Grokly's place of business to say g'day, change cars for comfort purposes and then we were introduced to Sonic and their Route 44 Limeades. These drinks were seriously awesome. Before we came to America, Michelle had briefly mentioned, ;-), to Stu and I that everything was bigger and better in America and these limeades did a lot to prove her point. They came in a big bucket of a cup and were simply delicious.

Gobb: Cherry limeade is even better. Well, I thought so anyway. Also, corn dogs, jalapeno poppers and cheese bites, or whatever they're called. Om. Nom. Nom.

Lisa: Limeades in hand it was time to head to the 18th and Vine American Jazz Museum. Prior to checking out the museum, Stu and Dr. Phil decided to checkout a funky-painted cow.

Gobb: You'll note that Wolf (Dr Phil if you prefer) and I seem to be checking this cow out from different ends. This is purely for research purposes, obviously. Yes, I know what it *looks* like, but it's not. Trust me.

*In the second picture, art is taking a photo of me taking a photo of her. Unfortunately, her copies of all this day's photos disappeared. If anyone finds them lying around, please forward them on.

Lisa: The museum was amazing and filled with exhibits, sound bites and a variety of memorabillia relating to jazz artists such as Ella Fitzgerald, Charlie 'Yardbird' Parker, Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespi and many, many more.

Gobb: The Jazz Museum building, at 18th and Vine, is also home to the Negro Baseball League museum, which we didn't check out. Ok, it would only have cost us $2 extra, but since neither of knows anything (or cares) about baseball, it would've been somewhat pointless.

Lisa: After checking out the museum, art_bohemia guided us through The Plaza and pointed out a number of fountains and other landmarks. The fountains were of particular note because as well as being a proud feature of Kansas City, many were also flowing with pink water on the day for breast cancer awareness. On the way home we also saw some of the more expensive housing in Kansas City and there were some damned fine exhibits there.

Gobb: Somewhere near/in the Plaza, we came across a group of people in a park who almost certainly were practicing Aussie Rules football. We didn't see much, but there's something about an Aussie Rules handball that's just... unique. Awesome :)

*We tried to take a photo of the footballers, but frankly the result just looks like a bunch of guys hanging out doing not much at all and being blurry while they're at it. You'll have to use your imagination.

Lisa: That night we went out for some fine Missouri style BBQ at a restaurant whose name escapes me right now but if any of you are reading this and can let me know, please do because it was some really good BBQ. I know it was a place that was recommended by Travoltus and that it was great food. Stu, Grok and I all ordered an appetiser and the waitress was looking at us all really quizzically. When the food was brought to the table we figured out why. The servings were massive and we all had a really good feed. We all left the restaurant ready to burst and headed home to jump online for a little while and say hi to the people hanging out in Paradox.

Gobb: You'd think we'd have learnt not to order appetisers in America, but apparently not. Over a week later, and we're still doing it. Sigh. We're going to be rolling home I think.

Lisa: Bedtime came at about 1:30 in the morning but sleep was a long long way from then. Dr. Phil, Stu and myself all got to giggling like a bunch of kids on school camp and were making up different lyrics for songs etc. We eventually decided that it was probably time we went to sleep when the kids started to move around and get ready for school at nearly 6 in the morning.

*Kids, please note. Smoking is bad, mmkay. Sure, it *looks* like we're having fun, but that's not the point.

Gobb: "different lyrics for songs"... HA! Again, this defies description and has been edited for reasons of good taste. If you were there, or you arrived over the next couple of days, then you'll know exactly what was going on. If you weren't and you really want to know, ask us.

Lisa: There was no sleep-in that day because Stu, art and Dr. Phil all left the house at 10:45am to go and pick Spiff up from the airport.

I believe that is where the next post is starting so I will leave it at that for now.

Gobb: Before we get to the next post, and before I forget (again), I'd just like to add our thanks to everyone in Missouri for putting up with us for the week and making us feel so completely welcome.

Grok & art (and family), thanks for making room for us in your home, along with yourselves, three kids and that other freeloader camping on the floor.

DrWolf, thanks for hanging out with us, driving us around and not snoring too badly, or complaining about our... ok, my snoring.

Travoltus, thanks again for letting us make use of your home for our partying (and Lisa apologises AGAIN for spilling her drink on your carpet).

Finally, thanks to all those who spent their time and money travelling from all over the country to come visit us in Missouri, or Chicago, and for everything you've done for us. You guys are all great, and we're really grateful and happy to know you all. I'd love to name you all individually but I know I'd forget someone and that would suck, so I'll stick to "y'all" and hope you know who I mean.


  1. I'd just like to say thanks to all of Elljae T and Gobberwart's friends for giving them such a good time in the US of A. Onyas!

  2. Oh man, I can't believe you posted the picture of the 'French cow'...LOL

  3. "Eiffel Cower" aka "La Vache de Triomphe" had to be included dude.
